1.A farmer must search for farm land if you don’t have any of the farm land. After searching for the land, you must be able to clear the land by yourself or by the help of workers after that too you have to look for farm tractor to plural the land for you. 2. After pleuraling of the land you need prepared the seed or whatever you are going to plant,then you look for workers that are going to help you plant the seed or whatever you are going to plant. You must know the number of workers that are going to help you for the work and you must also know the number of days that you and the workers are going to used for finishing of the work. 3. As discussed in number tow when that it would help you to know the amount of money you would used for the preparing food for the day’s you and your workers will spend for the work and also know the amount of money your workers will take when the work is done, and the amount of money the cookers too would take or collected. 4. With all not all, when the crops started growing up they will be some small glass that will be disturbing the crops from growing fast, so you have to clear them through wedding. You also need the workers to help you, with wedding too you need to know the number of workers that are going to help you for the wedding, so that you can know the amount of money the workers will take and the farmer must prepared for the food the workers. With all this you have to book all items, money’s you have spent during the farming, so that when you harvest the crops and you sale it you can deduct the amount of money that you have spent during the farming. And that will help you to know the profit or whatever you gain from the farming.