A new session starts farmers started farming buy sowing maize after the maize germinate and growing some farmers decide to plant cassava between the maize, also some farmers sowed only maize.         But in my view good advised I want to gives the farmers is that the reason why is very important to plant cassava between the maize is that. After the crops grow well to be harvest and the harvesting of the crops is done. As a farmer take the crops to the market and sell after selling the crops and the farmer get back home then you decide make account by removing the money that you have on the farm and by time you make the account by removing the money before you know nothing remand for you as farmer.

      That is why some farmers decide to plant cassava between the maize to help them to cover something when the times for harvesting and selling the crops take place. So, I will like to advice the farmers to plant cassava between the maize to help them covers or get income from the farm.                                                             As you can see on the picture there are the youth over there in the farm sowing the maize for the farmer so they can also get some money to feed themselves. Through the farming youths get jobs from there farm too that also would reduce or prevent people from in engaging themselves from wrong activities to get money.

In my view farming is good there is money in the farming so I would like to advice nation to put there in farming by providing farm equipment to the farmers to motivate other peoples also to engage in the farming. This thing would to reduce unemployment in the country by motivating the youths to participate in the farming to increased their standard of living